SUNDAY 22 DECEMBER 2019/ 20.00 H
Chiesa dei Santi Apostoli
Cannaregio, 4465, 30121 Venice
” Venice was really the city of my dreams and its reality overcame all my fantasies at every hour of the day, in the morning and the evening, in the calm of the serene and in the dark reflections of the thunderstorms. I loved this city by itself and it is the only one in the world that I loved this way, because all the other cities have always made me the effect of a prison that I bear because of my fellows in captivity.
In Venice you could live long even alone and I can understand how in the days of its splendor and freedom, its children have almost personified it in their love and have loved it not as a thing but as a being. “
George Sand french writer /from The story of my life (1855)
Alessandra Visentin contralto
Kremena Nikolova violino
Anton Martynov violino
Music by Vivaldi, Handel, Corelli