21.12.2018 Venezia, Chiesa di Santa Sofia


San Martino a Natale 
5°International Music Festival – Venice 2018
340 years Vivaldi

Church of Santa Sofia
Cannaregio, Strada Nuova Campo Santa Sofia 30121 Venice

(Integral of op.2 I part)

Kremena Nikolova violin
Aliaksandr Auramchyk cello
Anton Martynov harpsicord

Written in 1708, just before the ‘L’estro armonico’ concertos, these sonatas contain all the passion and the virtuosity, all the lyricism and emotion, which have made the concertos so eternally popular. In the words of the great Vivaldi scholar Michael Talbot, “Op 2 is fully Vivaldian and certainly deserves to take its place among his other masterworks.”