FRIDAY 6 DECEMBER 2019/ 18.00H
Fondazione Bevilacqua la Masa
Galleria di Piazza San Marco
San Marco 30124 Venezia
Musical reflections on the painting exhibition “DIPINTA” by Omar Galliani
As in the field of the musical language, Galliani makes painting an “accompaniment” to the central theme of drawing, developing autonomous motifs in “his womb” to support the overall poetic harmony.
Similar to Galliani’s drawings and paintings, the violinists Anton Martynov and Kremena Nikolova enhance the outspoken and ingenious musical writing with their “Music For Two”, a project they have been developing for several years. As those who today bravely claim the figurative art in the world of abstract painting, the dazzling repertoire of the duet, entirely written by Martynov with a shocking mastery, puts into practice all the know-how of the past that looks into the future.
Martynov’s virtuous gavotte, corrente and gigues, performed by himself and his brilliant colleague Nikolova, now known and acclaimed in Europe and the United States, are the subject of television and radio recordings and broadcasts. They are also arousing a vast echo of the international press, rewarding the artists also with various prizes.
The happy spiritual coincidence between the musicians and the artist, materialized with an extraordinary talent and virtuosity on both sides, will give the start to a true renewal of the artistic language – beautiful, strong, refined and understandable. The same evening, final for the exhibition, announces the annual opening of the “San Martino a Natale” festival.
Anton Martynov violin
Kremena Nikolova violin