

Kremena Oksenkrug is currently violin professor at the Royal Conservatory of  Mons /ARTS²/ in Belgium.

ARTS² /Arts au carré/ is an École Supérieure des Arts /ESA/ providing higher artistic education organized by the Wallonia-Brussels Federation. It is located in Mons, the cultural capital of the Federation and cultural capital of the European Union for the year 2015. It is the result of the merger between the Conservatoire royal de Mons and the École supérieure des arts plastiques et visuels /ESAPV/, both with a long artistic tradition. Approximately 650 students are studying there. ARTS²’s mission is to train artists and creators in its three areas of accreditation: music, theater, visual arts.

The Conservatory also participates in the Erasmus program and collaborates in post-graduate training with universities.


Website Royal Conservatory of  Mons


International masterclasses:


➔ 03.03-04.03.2023 Universidad de Almeria, Spain
31.07-07.08.2021 Silvelle, Veneto, Italy
28.07-04.08.2020 Giverny, France (postponed)
➔ 03.09-07.09.2019 Roma, Italy
05.12-06.12.2018 Roma, Italy
➔ 12.04-14.04.2018 Mons, Belgium
14.08-20.08.2017 Rimini, Italy
18.08-23.08.2015 Varna, Bulgaria 



Private lessons online

If you have a wish to study violin with Kremena Oksenkrug and you could not frequent some of her masterclasses or you are unable to travel, because of the current situation, the online live-video lessons are convenient way to work with her.

Here are some tips to setting up the right way for your violin lessons online. Things you’ll need:
➔ Your violin
➔ A video enable device
➔ An internet connection
➔ Video chat software: Skype, Zoom, Facetime, WhatsApp, or another quality app

Suggestion: Use a USB external microphone for the best sound quality. Why? The built in microphone on most laptops, tablets, and phones is not the best quality. Even an inexpensive external microphone can do wonders for clarity of the sound.

Do not hesitate to write a ✉️mail with your request for more information.